PreBiomics Beta Program

PreBiomics Beta Program

Project completed

Over fifty Italian dental clinics participated in the research project promoted by PreBiomics between 2020 and 2022, contributing to the creation of the largest database of human oral microbiomes currently available.  The enthusiasm, dedication, and passion of the PreBiomics Beta Testers have provided an essential drive enabling the development of a revolutionary and personalized approach to the prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases.

A.P.G.R. – Roma
Dott. Giovanni Di Caccamo
Dott. Riccardo Caracci 
Studio Dentistico Associato Gobbato – Padova
Dott. Luca Gobbato
Dott. Simonetta Marchesan 
Bressan Associati Studio Dentistico – Pordenone
Prof. Eriberto BressanDott. Riccardo Martarello 
Studio Dentistico Associato Paniz – Padova
Dott. Gianluca Paniz
Dott.ssa Sofia Drivas
Dott.ssa Anna Zorzo
Dott.ssa Carola Bordin
Dott.ssa Cristina Preghel 
Centro Dentale Francesca Manfrini – Trento
Dott.ssa Francesca Manfrini 
Studio Dentistico Barcelli – Trento
Dott. Nicola BarcelliDott. Federico Folchini 
Centro Medico Odontoiatrico Torrisi – Catania
Dott. Paolo Torrisi 
Studio Dentistico Candiago – Pordenone
Dott. Jacopo Candiago
Dott.ssa Teresa Gutiérrez 
Centro Odontoiatrico Dott. Oreglia – Verona
Dott. Francesco Oreglia
Dott.ssa Silvia Tomassini
Dott.ssa Claudia Ocera
Dott.ssa Denisa Matei 
Studio Dentistico Donati – Perugia
Dott. Mauro Donati 
Centro Odontoiatrico Sforza – Bologna
Dott. Nicola Marco Sforza
Dott.ssa Mascia Ronconi
Dott. Leoluca Valeriani
Dott.ssa Anna Franchini 
Studio Dentistico Dott. Cardaropoli – Torino
Dott. Daniele Cardaropoli 
Centro Odontoiatrico Tommaseo – Trieste
Dott. Massimo Sossi
Dott.ssa Elisa Sossi
Dott.ssa Ilaria de VisintiniDott. Gianni de VisintiniDott.ssa Mirta Cozzolino
Dott.ssa Elisa Ritossa 
Studio dentistico dr Thomas Zorzi odontoiatra – Trento
Dott. Thomas Zorzi
Dott.ssa Nicoletta Corradini 
Dott.ssa Martina Stefanini – Bologna
Dott.ssa Martina Stefanini
Dott.ssa Alice Riccardi
Dott.ssa Mariam Ben Mahdhi 
Studio Dentistico Fumarola Dott. Martino – Trento
Dott. Martino Fumarola
in-4 Studio dentistico associato – Verona
Dott. Luca Landi
Dott.ssa Francesca Rizzi
Dott.ssa Sara Fontana
Dott.ssa Caterina Pagliari 
Studio Dentistico Guazzo – Vicenza
Dott. Riccardo Guazzo 
Maia Dentis – Bolzano
Dott. Antonio Bonaccorso
Dott.ssa Daniela Vicentini 
Studio dentistico Ometto – Treviso
Dott. Lucio Ometto
Dott.ssa Annachiara Trevisan 
Microdental di Dott. Giovanni Sammarco – Trento
Dott. Giovanni Sammarco
Dott.ssa Silvia Bortolotti 
Studio Dentistico Pulcini – Ascoli Piceno
Dott. Alberto Pulcini 
Oberholtzer & Martini – Vicenza
Dott. Davide Oberholtzer
Dott.ssa Alessia Colella
Dott.ssa Silvia Schiro 
Studio Dentistico Sbricoli Dott. Luca – Padova
Dott. Luca Sbricoli
Dott.ssa Silvia Bobbo
Dott. Davide Scettri
Dott.ssa Benedetta Costa 
Orizzonte Dentale – Torino
Dott. Ivan Zanini
Dott. Marco BuninoDott.ssa Simona Grosso 
Studio di Odontoiatria Ricostruttiva – Roma
Dott. Luca Landi
Dott.ssa Chiara Cappetta 
PerioDental Studio di Fabrizi Dott. Simone – Frosinone
Dott. Fabrizi Simone
Dr.ssa Gemmiti Roberta 
Studio Gatti – Milano
Dott. Claudio Gatti
Dott. Fulvio Gatti 
Poliambulatorio Gualini – Bergamo
Dott. Giacomo Gualini 
Studio Giammarini – Fermo
Dott. Andrea Giammarini 
Recchia Ambulatorio Polispecialistico- Verona
Dott.ssa Paola Chiaramonte
Dott. Giorgio Stroppa
Studio medico odontoiatrico Pellitteri Dott. Pellitteri – Bolzano
Dott. Giuseppe Pellitteri 
Studio Associato Odontoiatrico Tomasi Bottamedi Varotto – Trento
Dott. Cristiano Tomasi
Dott.ssa Sabrina BottamediDott.ssa Federica Medini 
Studio Odontoiatrico Associato Albertini Bertelle Conci – Trento
Dott. Alberto Bertelle 
Studio Carlo Ghezzi – Milano
Dott. Carlo Ghezzi 
Studio Odontoiatrico dott. Tiziano Bombardelli – Trento
Dott. Tiziano Bombardelli
Dott.ssa Maria Oros
Dott.ssa Romina Waldner 
Studio Cavalcanti & Venezia – Bari
Dott. Raffaele Cavalcanti
Dott. Vittorio Blardi
Dott.ssa Antonella Degennaro
Dott.ssa Raisa Rosioara 
Studio Odontoiatrico Dott.ssa Silvia Masiero – Varese
Dott.ssa Silvia Anna Masiero
Dott. Simone Roatti
Dott.ssa Silvia Musella 
Studio Cenzi – Vicenza
Dott. Alvise Cenzi Venezze 
Studio Odontoiatrico Dr. Donati Roberto – Trento
Dott. Roberto Donati
Dott.ssa Beatrice Marchiori
Elena Sertinean 
Studio Dentistico Associato – Dr. Broseghini M. e Dr. Dell’Acqua – Trento
Dott. Federico Dell’Acqua
Dott.ssa Serena Dell’Acqua
Dott.ssa Giulia Dalmut
Dott.ssa Karin Covi
Dott. Betim Djaferi
Dott.ssa Katarina Minarski 
Studio Odontoiatrico Guerino Paolantoni – Napoli
Dott. Guerino Paolantoni
Dott.ssa Chiara Galano Dott.ssa Elena Andolfi 
Studio Dentistico Associato Dott. Tomasi – Ghensi – Varotto – Trento
Dott. Paolo Ghensi
Dott.ssa Daniela Vicentini 
Studio odontoiatrico Piacentini – Pavia
Dott. Giacomo Piacentini
Dott. Gianluca Spinoglio 

EIC Transition - PreBiomicsPMT

EIC Transition - PreBiomicsPMT

Ongoing project

In the context of the PreBiomicsPMT project we will enable treatment recommendations for each patient based on the bacterial composition of their plaque microbiome.

Every year, around 20 million dental implant procedures are performed worldwide. The market for dental implants was worth €3.6 billion in 2020 and is growing at a rate of 11% each year.
Unfortunately, there is a risk of dental implant-related diseases due to microorganisms and biofilm formation. These diseases can harm both oral and overall health. More than 50% of patients with dental implants develop a condition called mucositis, which is an inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the implant. If left untreated, mucositis can progress to peri-implantitis, a severe infection that affects both the soft and hard tissues, potentially leading to implant failure. Currently, there are no reliable tools to assess the severity of these diseases or predict their progression. To date, dentists can only provide general treatments without knowing the specific composition of the plaque microbiome triggering and sustaining the disease.

At PreBiomics, we have developed a precision-medicine test that analyzes the microbial composition of the plaque biofilm collected around dental implants. Over the course of 10 years of research, we have discovered that the presence of specific bacteria is crucial in predicting the severity and progression of infections. Our test, called PreBiomicsPMT, utilizes metagenomics and an AI algorithm to analyze the bacterial composition of the plaque microbiome. This allows us to monitor and diagnose the disease and provide personalized treatment recommendations for each patient based on their specific bacterial profile.
Building upon the successful results of our previous ERC Proof of Concept projects, this EIC-Transition project aims to automate the testing process using robotics. This will help reduce costs and speed up the delivery of results. We will also create a comprehensive database that will be used to develop an antibiotic resistance panel and enhance our decision support system (DSS) for dentists. Additionally, we will conduct a validation study to demonstrate the effectiveness of our DSS in predicting disease and treatment outcomes.
In parallel with the technical advancements, we will develop an intellectual property rights (IPR) management plan to protect our research findings. We will extensively study the dental implants market and understand the needs and expectations of our customers and investors. This knowledge will contribute to the development of a robust business plan for effectively marketing and exploiting our product.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Grant Agreement n° 101113004.

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ERC Proof of Concept - PB3P

ERC Proof of Concept - PB3P

Project completed

Combining the results from the PreBiomics Beta Program, the PB3P project leveraged high-throughput metagenomics to explore the microbial diversity within the oral samples.

In the PB3P project, we isolated 100 bacterial colonies associated with Fusobacterium nucleatum, a key player in the development of peri-implant diseases. We managed to identify clear microbial signatures of healthy, mucositis and peri-implantitis implants, with the latest mainly composed of PiRC™ species and new uncharacterized ones. Using the reconstructed and isolated genomes, we further expanded the F. nucleatum phylogenetic tree composed of 5 different subspecies of which we characterized the antibiotic profiles and the presence of virulence factors.

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